Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Lesson 45: “Never Has Man Believed in Me As Thou Hast” The Brother of Jared: Faith, Prayer, and Crossing the Ocean

Lesson 45: “Never Has Man Believed in Me As Thou Hast” The Brother of Jared: Faith, Prayer, and Crossing the Ocean

Attention Activity:
Start by playing a couple rounds of 20 questions. You can pick any object, person, or topic and have the class guess by asking only “Yes” or “No” questions. You can get the class involved more by having them come up with the answer and act as the “answerer” in the game. After the activity ask, “What are some of the key elements of good questions in this game?” “What are some of the best methods of finding out what the answer is?” Today we are going to look at an example of someone trying hard to find answers to questions. We will see what his best methods were.

Class Discussion:
I would start by telling the students that we are going to talk about the example of the Brother of Jared (BOJ) in his quest to get answers. Ask the class what they already know about some of the things that the BOJ did in order to get answers. (Once they have given a few ideas, you can then help them by having them look at certain verses to try and find the answers.) Here are some of the ones I found. You could find even more:

· Repentant attitude (2:14-15)
· Obedient to commandments (2:16-18)
· Worked toward an answer (3:1)
· Studied the scriptures (2:23a This one takes a little work. If you look at the footnote for this it takes you to Gen 6:16. If you look at the footnote in Genesis it states that Noah may have traveled with similar lighted stones. BOJ could have come up with this idea by studying the scriptures. Help the class come to understand this connection before moving on.)
· Humility (3:2)
· Faith that God can do all things according to His will (3:4-5)

Now, look in 3:6-13 for the amazing outcome of this situation. I would use the quote from the manual at this point.
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland: “The brother of Jared may not have had great belief in himself, but his belief in God was unprecedented. In that there is hope for us all. His faith was without doubt or limit. … Once and for all it was declared that ordinary people with ordinary challenges could rend the veil of unbelief and enter the realms of eternity” (Christ and the New Covenant [1997], 29).
Point out that what Elder Holland is trying to teach is that this story is so amazing because the BOJ is just like us. He had problems and forgot to pray at one point, but still had enough faith to overcome those weaknesses and enter the presence of the Lord.
Now have class members look in Ether 5:4. What is the principle that Moroni is teaching? (That God uses the law of witnesses to establish truth) We are going to use that same principle with our ideas on prayer. Split up the class and assign or have every person choose one of the six principles above. Their assignment is to find at least one other scripture anywhere in the Standard Works that shows that principle being used to get answers to prayers. (The index and Bible Dictionary are your best resources here. You will want to do some research and come up with a few just in case you need to give some help to one group, or to add to the discussion.) Now discuss the findings of their research.

Ask class members to pick one of the principles above that they need to work on in their personal prayers. Talk with class members what they have picked and what they can do to improve their prayers.

Additional Information:
Two great talks you will want to read and incorporate into this lesson are the last two talks from Elder David A Bednar in General Conference.,5232,23-1-851-31,00.html,5232,23-1-947-14,00.html

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Lesson #44 “I Speak unto You As If Ye Were Present” God is a God of Miracles

Lesson #44 “I Speak unto You As If Ye Were Present” God is a God of Miracles

Attention Activity:
There is two ways to do this. If the class is talkative and you can start with a question you can just ask the following question. If the class is less talkative and you want to get some conversation started, break the class up into groups of two or three and have them write down answers to the following question and then have them share answers. This will get them talking a little more so you can keep rolling with the conversion. Ask the class to list all the bad things that come with owning and driving a car. (Answers will include: paying for gas, oil changes, maintenance, car payment, insurance, pollution, accidents that could cause injury or death, paying for possible tickets, traffic on the freeway, road rage, etc.) Ask, “If cars are so bad, why do so many people drive them? Would it not be better to just outlaw them?” (Answers should be that there are many positives as well. You can go over some of those.) Ask, “How is that like life?” (Answer: There is some good and some bad. But we were not in heaven and are not now willing to throw away all the good just because there are some times of bad.) Today we will look at both the good and the bad of one time in life.

Class Discussion:
We will start with something that is more on the bad side. Look in Mormon 8:2-3 to find the major event that happens in these verses. (Moroni is now left as the last Nephite. After 1000 years of history—which is nearly 5 times as long as The United States of America has been a country—the Nephites have been totally destroyed.) You might spend some time here talking about some of the classes favorite Nephites and some of the great stories from The Book of Mormon. We hear stories of extreme tragedy when one person in a family dies, or when a group of people die in an accident. Imagine watching thousand of your friends, brothers, sisters, and other relatives all die. Moroni then teaches an interesting lesson in verse 8. “Who does he attribute this destruction to?” Is he blaming God or trying to help us learn something? What is the main idea that he is trying to teach here? “What does this teach us about God and life here on earth?” (Answer: There is good and bad. But most importantly, there are consequences. If we choose to disobey, there are inevitable consequences. God is always in control, but He has to exact punishment just as he has to reward righteousness.)
Now for the good part. Moroni is now writing to a group of people that he hopes to help in the future. Knowing that he is talking to people far in the future, what is the message that he would want us to understand? Look in Mormon 9:11 for the answer. (That miracles still happen) “Why do you think that is such an important lesson for us to understand today?” “How could Moroni have believed that after seeing his whole nation destroyed?” Have class members search through the rest of the chapter looking for 3 things. What are some of the miracles mentioned? Which ones have happened and which still need to happen? And most importantly, how do we qualify for the miracles?


Ask the class, “What are some of the miracles that you are looking for today, and what will you do to show faith that God can do the miracle?” (It is important to point out that there is a difference in the ability and the willingness of God to perform a miracle. God can do all things. That doesn’t mean he will do all things. You might share 2 Nephi 2:24-25. God is in charge of everything and will do all that he can to bring us joy.)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Teaching of the Presidents of the Church Joseph Smith Chapter 22: Gaining Knowledge of Eternal Truths

Teaching of the Presidents of the Church Joseph Smith Chapter 22: Gaining Knowledge of Eternal Truths

Attention Activity:
Start class by having class members make a list of all the things that a newborn baby will learn to do from birth to 2 years old. (Answers include walking, talking, holding, crawling, sitting up, rolling over, throwing, running, eating, potty training—if you are lucky!) Now have class members think back over their last two years of life and list down things that they couldn’t physically do two years ago that they can do now. (The answers here would usually be zero. You may have learned how to fish or how to knit, but you always had the physical ability to do that, you may not have known how, but physically you could have.) In this life we gain most of our physical skills in the first could of years of life. “What are we supposed to do with the rest of the years?” (Answers will probably be to increase in knowledge.) You might share another interesting situation here. When a child enters Kindergarten they usually have very basic knowledge skills. Most major skills are learned in the first couple of years of school. Reading, writing, basic math and science. So why do we have 13 years of school plus any post-high school education? Joseph Smith is going to help us understand how important this principle is.

Class Discussion:
Lets start to understand how important this is by looking at page 265 1st paragraph under the section “Gaining knowledge of eternal truths is essential…”, and the 1st paragraph on page 266. Joseph is adamant that gaining knowledge is a key to salvation and a key attribute of Godliness. Have class members think about what knowledge they have gained recently that would help in gaining salvation.
The rest of the class can go a few different directions based on what you think is most important. You can go on with pages 266 and 267 to talk about how we get knowledge from God and from the words of the prophets. Or you can go back to pages 264 and 265 to talk about how we have to receive all knowledge and that the source of knowledge is God. Either way end on page 268 with the idea in the second paragraph that it is a lifelong process to gain this knowledge, but just like on a ladder we have to keep going. We can’t stop in our search and efforts at gaining knowledge. Also make sure to hit the last paragraph on page 268 that as we continue to be faithful, God has promised to tell us everything. The more we work the more the Lord will make known to us, and the better off we are in the world to come (D&C 130:18-19).

Friday, November 14, 2008

Lesson # 43 Mormon 1-6, Moroni 9. “How Could Ye Have Departed from the Ways of the Lord?” Strength in Bearing Testimony

Attention Activity:
Break the class up into small groups of 4 or 5 people. Tell the class that they are going to be in charge of a booth at an upcoming Christmas Boutique or craft show or market. Give them one minute to decide what they are going to sell at their booth. After one minute take a few answers just to see what people are going to be doing. Now give them 4 minutes and have them come up with a strategy for getting lots of people to come to their booth and eventually buy their product. Get a few answers on this. (What you are hoping for is that someone will be giving away samples or doing a drawing to give something away. If you get that move on. If not you might ask, “How much interest would be generated if you gave away free samples or did a drawing for a free prize?”) At this point you can ask, “How many of you are going to give something away in order to generate interest?” Eventually you want to get to the question, “Why does giving something away for free help build interest and sales?” “Is there anything else in life that will give you big returns if you just give it away? Today we are going to learn about something that will.”

Class Discussion:
Have listed on the board scriptures like the following: (All from Mormon unless otherwise noted.)
1:13, 1:14, 1:18, 1:19, 2:13, 2:14, 2:18, 2:19, 2;27, 3:11, 3:14, 4:10, 4:11, 4:12, 5:2, 5:16, 5:18, Moroni 9:9-10, 18-19.
Give the class a few minutes to look through as many of these scriptures as they can. Ask, “How would you describe the times and situations that Mormon lived in?” “If you had to pick one verse out of this list that best describes the situation of the people, which one would you choose?” Discuss for a little while about how bad the situation was that Mormon had to deal with. Ask, “How do you suppose he stayed faithful when everyone around him was being wicked? How difficult is it to stand for righteousness when everyone is being wicked?” The main question to get to is, “What do you think gave Mormon the strength to stay strong in these conditions?” Take a few answers. A study of these chapters only describes Mormon doing two things. Leading the Nephite army is the first. Let’s see if we can find the second. List:
1:16, 2:23, 3:3, 3:20-21 (even when his own people wouldn’t listen, he was testifying to someone). “According to the scriptures, what was the one thing that Mormon did that helped him stay strong?” “What do you think is the connection between sharing testimony and being strong in times of trial?” “When have you felt the strengthening influence of sharing your testimony?”

The application section of this lesson can take a little longer if you would like. Ask, “What opportunities do we have to testify like Mormon did?” Try to move beyond just ‘missionary work’ answers. Talk about things like Family Home Evening and mostly about informal ways to share your testimony.

Great Quote For this Lesson
It is not unusual to have a missionary say, “How can I bear testimony until I get one? How can I testify that God lives, that Jesus is the Christ, and that the gospel is true? If I do not have such a testimony, would that not be dishonest?”
Oh, if I could teach you this one principle. A testimony is to be found in the bearing of it! Somewhere in your quest for spiritual knowledge, there is that “leap of faith,” as the philosophers call it. It is the moment when you have gone to the edge of the light and stepped into the darkness to discover that the way is lighted ahead for just a footstep or two. “The spirit of man,” is as the scripture says, indeed “is the candle of the Lord.” (Prov. 20:27.)
It is one thing to receive a witness from what you have read or what another has said; and that is a necessary beginning. It is quite another to have the Spirit confirm to you in your bosom that what you have testified is true. Can you not see that it will be supplied as you share it? As you give that which you have, there is a replacement, with increase!
Boyd K. Packer, “The Candle of the Lord,” Ensign, Jan 1983, 51

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Teaching of the Presidents of the Church Joseph Smith Chapter 21: The Second Coming and the Millennium

Teaching of the Presidents of the Church Joseph Smith Chapter 21: The Second Coming and the Millennium

Attention Activity:
Divide the class into two groups. Have half of the class write 10 things that could happen in the next ten years that they are afraid of. Have the other half write 10 things that could happen in the next ten years that they are really excited for. Discuss with the class some of their answers. Start with the things that are scary first. Take a few of those ideas to show that there will be bad things happening in the future. (Be careful not to get into too much speculation. If someone says something a little crazy, just agree that it could happen and try to move on. You don’t want to get bogged down in this part of the lesson.) After some discussion ask, “With all of the bad things that might happen in the next 10 years how is it that we can still come up with things that are going to bring us excitement and joy?” Joseph Smith is going to teach us about something that can bring both fear and excitement.

Class Discussion:
Keep the class in two groups. Have the first group look in Chapter 21 pages 251-256 for things that are going to be scary in the 2nd Coming. Have the other half look on pages 256-258 for things that they are looking forward to. Take a few minutes to discuss these ideas.

Regarding the 2nd Coming there are two main doctrines that are important to understand in this chapter. The first in on page 253 paragraph 1. Bad things will happen even to the Saints. Ask, “What have you learned is the purpose of God allowing these type of things to happen?” “If this is the case, how do we prepare for the 2nd Coming?” (A great scripture to share here is the final scripture of Section 87 that is quoted in the “From the Life of Joseph Smith” section.)
This leads to the second important principle. “From what you have seen in this chapter as you have been scanning, how does Joseph feel about the 2nd coming and why?” (A good place to look here is page 255 last paragraph.) Why was Joseph so positive? Hat does that teach us about the future and our ability to prepare for it?” (A great talk that you might want to look at in preparation for this is Elder Quentin L Cook Ensign Nov. 2007. One of my favorite quotes from that talk is:
I know that many of you are concerned about raising your children during these difficult times and increasing their faith. When my wife and I were starting our family in the San Francisco Bay Area, we had that same concern. At a critical point our stake members were advised by Elder Harold B. Lee, then a member of the Twelve, that we could raise our families in righteousness if we would:
Follow the prophet.
Create the true spirit of the gospel in our hearts and homes.
Be a light to those among whom we live.
Focus on the ordinances and principles taught in the temple. (See
D&C 115:5; Harold B. Lee, “Your Light to Be a Standard unto the Nations,” Ensign, Aug. 1973, 3–4.)
As we followed this counsel, our faith increased and our fears decreased. I believe we can raise righteous children anywhere in the world if they are taught religious principles in the home.)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

3 Nephi 27-30 & 4 Nephi. “This Is My Gospel” The Gospel of Christ, the Three Nephites, and the Rise and Fall of the Nephite Nation

3 Nephi 27-30 & 4 Nephi. “This Is My Gospel” The Gospel of Christ, the Three Nephites, and the Rise and Fall of the Nephite Nation.

Attention Activity:
Have class members look forward and think about their own funeral. Have them write down 10 things that they would like to have said about them at their own funeral. Have them share some of their ideas. Ask, “What are some things that you are involved in that aren’t bad things, but that didn’t make your list?” (Examples might be their job, what car they drive, how big their house is. Younger students might include what their favorite TV show is, what their favorite class is, etc.) Explain that today we are going to talk about this list in two different ways.

Class Discussion:
Christ gives us an important list in 3 Nephi 27. Have class members turn to 3 Nephi 27:8-9, 19-21 to find the list that Christ gives about identifying His true Church. (Called after his name, teaches faith, repentance, baptism, gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. There are a few others in there that you can add as well.) Now look in verse 2 to find why this list was so important to the people. Ask, “Why should an understanding of the basic doctrines of the Gospel help to end disputations?”
“Now we have looked at a list Jesus created, now lets get back to the list that you created.” Christ gives us a verse about one thing that should be on our list. Look in 3 Nephi 27:27. “What should we be able to say about ourselves by the time we die?” Split the class into two groups. Have half the class pick one of the attributes that was listed on their paper. Because we are trying to be like the Savior we should be able to look at the type of person that we want to become and see similarities to the life of Christ. Have the class members find a story or scripture that shows Christ living or teaching the same attribute that they have listed on their paper. (Example: If they have written that they want to be known as someone who helps others they could share the parable of the Good Samaritan or the story of Christ healing the beggar at Bethesda (John 5:1-16)) Have the other half of the class look in 4 Nephi 1:1-23 for attributes of the Nephites that are either on their list or that they would like to see on their list. Have them be prepared to explain why some of the attributes are so desirable for us today. Have a few class members from each side share their ideas.


Have class members look in 4 Nephi 1:1-23 to see what the end results were of the type of life that these people were living. What one would be most important to you? What do these end results have to do with the list that you made? “What do you need to do in your life to see the end results and to make your list come true?”