Thursday, August 7, 2008

Lesson 30 Alma 40-42. Alma and Corianton

Alma and Corianton

Attention Activity
This activity works best if you can get the students up and moving. If it isn’t possible due to the size of the class, just have them stand up for one option and stay seated for the other option and have them make note of the people that are either standing or sitting with them. Tell the students to stand all together in one group and as you call out different choices to have them go to one side or the other. Point which side you would like them to group themselves with, and there are only two choices. Male/Female, Country music/Non-Country music, Utah Born/Non-Utah Born, Over 5’8”/Under 5’8”, etc. There are so many different things to do and the more local you make it the more fun it can be. In Utah you might do “BYU fan/Utah fan.” In California it might be “USC fan/UCLA fan/” Make it fun for the age group and the location you are in. Do this a number of times and then ask, “What are the advantages of being around people that are similar to you in some way?” (There are many answers here, try and get to the point that we usually feel more comfortable around people that are like us.)

Class Discussion
“Today we are going to talk about another separation that will happen that will put us with a lot of people that are very similar to us. Turn to Alma 40:11-14 and find two things. First, what is the criteria for the separation and second what are the living conditions during the separation.” This lesson is all about what happens after we die. Explain that this chapter is all about life in the spirit world. There is a general separation as we wait for the resurrection, but that isn’t the end of things, just a waiting period for the resurrection and judgment. (If you have a drawing of the plan of salvation it might be helpful to display it during this lesson.)
“The next question that Corianton has is what will happen at the resurrection. Chapter 41 isn’t very long. Scan the whole chapter and be ready to discuss what determines state of being following the resurrection.” Give the students a few minutes and then ask for specific verses that teach us what the answer is. The answer is best found in Bruce R. McConkie’s quote, “The resurrection is a restoration, both a restoration of body and spirit and a restoration to the individual of the same mental and spiritual acquirements and attitudes he had in this life” (Mormon Doctrine, 2nd ed. [1966], 641).
Before moving on make sure the students understand the doctrine of this chapter, maybe best taught in verse 10 and 12-13 that we will be restored to what we were like here and that will determine our happiness now and for eternity.
The real question that Alma then is trying to answer is how do we get to the level of happiness and righteousness that he describes in Alma 41. The answer is in Alma 42.
Break the class into three groups. Have one group count every time Alma mentions the word “law” in chapter 42, one group count the word “justice” and the other group the word “mercy.” Verses 14-24 teaches the relationship between these three words as well as anywhere in the scriptures. It might be beneficial if you have time (and attention) to read through this whole section stopping to talk along the way. (A fun way to read a long section like this is to have one student read and then call on whoever they want to read next.) Make sure the students come to the understanding that we are in a fallen state because of breaking the law. The justice of God would not then allow us to come into his presence, but instead leave us miserable forever. God knew this and most emphatically didn’t want it to happen! So he sent his Son to accomplish the atonement and bring mercy into the equation so that the “truly penitent are saved” This verse also gives us the...
“What is it that Alma wanted Corianton to do?” (verses 30-31) You might explain that Alma is both Corianton’s father and the prophet. A good application question here is “If the prophet were speaking to you, what would he say to you in verse 31?” Have them write it down. You could have them look at the end of verse 4 if they need some help. Three simple words, “repent and serve.” Another good question to have them write an answer down for is, “What do I need to repent of and who do I need to serve?” Encourage them to be specific so as to make it applicable to them personally.

Additional Reading
Another place this topic is taught extremely well is in D&C 88:22-31. If we want to live in the celestial kingdom, we have to live the celestial law. You might want to take students there during your conversation of Alma 42. It is a good tie in to the attention activity by talking about how we could make it possible to have Christ standing in the same group that we are standing in. The way to do that is to live the celestial law, just like he does.

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