Tuesday, October 7, 2008

3 Nephi 12-14 The Beatitudes and Teachings of Jesus Christ in America

The Beatitudes and Teachings of Jesus Christ in America

Principle to be Taught: When Christ teaches, we are expected to apply and make changes to our lives.

Attention Activity
Bring two clear glasses and a pitcher of water to class. Keep one glass empty. In the other glass put some red colored Kool-Aid in the bottom. Put enough in that it will make the water noticeably red when you pour it in, but not so much that the class can tell that there is liquid in the bottom. (They even have some Kool-Aid that starts out white but then changes to red when water is applied, this is the best because it is hard for the class to see white powder.) Start class by pouring water into the glass that is empty. Ask class members how this is a symbol of teaching. Many answers at this point are just fine. You can talk about how we are like the cup and the water fills us up, etc. Take a few answers and talk about them. Explain to the class that in today’s lesson we are going to look at Jesus as a teacher, and what he taught, and most importantly, how that teaching can affect our lives. Tell the class that you are going to pour water into the second cup and show a better example of what Jesus’ teachings should be like. Now pour the water into the second cup and watch the water turn red. Now, ask class members how this is more like what teaching should be like. (Get to the point where the class understands the following concept: The teachings of Jesus should change us. If we are like the cup, when the teaching of Jesus—the water—enters our lives, it should have make a significant change. We should never be the same again after coming to understand what Jesus taught.) At the bottom of the post I have included 2 quotes from the last two prophets at the end of General Conference asking us to apply the things that we have learned. You can share them here or at the end of the lesson to drive home the point.

Class Discussion
Today we are going to talk about some of the things that Jesus taught and what change it can have on our lives. Write on the board, “Because of that, I will _________________.” Now divide the class into groups or let people work individually, depending on the type of class you have. (In classes with teenagers, I would divide them into groups because it helps facilitate discussion. You can pair them up in lots of fun ways that might get them out of their comfort zone. Tallest and shortest together, oldest and youngest together, all people with blue eyes in one group, etc. In a class with adults I would usually let them work by themselves because usually the class is mature enough to work alone and still complete the task.) Have the list below either written on the board, on a handout, or on strips to give to each group or individual. Tell class members that you would like them to work through some of the following groups of scriptures (or the assigned scripture set that you have given them) and be able to tell us two things. 1) what is the doctrine Christ wanted us to understand in these verses and 2) finish the statement that you have written on the board. Have the groups tell the class what difference that doctrine will make in your life.

Use the following scripture sets for your class, or use your own. (All are from 3 Nephi)

There is application all throughout this lesson. You may take this time to testify of some of these principles. Throughout the lesson I would ask class members to live the principle that a group is explaining.

I've been attending conference for a long time. But I think I've never felt quite as richly blessed as during this session. We've had rapid-fire messages from a lot of speakers, but every one touched on a very important subject. We've had a smorgasbord today of faith, of love, and of counsel. Let's incorporate these things in our lives.
Thomas S Monson CR APR 2008

What a wonderful conference this has been, my brothers and sisters. As we return to our homes and to our daily activities, each of us should be a better individual than we were when the conference opened.
But what matters most is what may have occurred within each of us as a result of our experience. I, for one, have made a stronger resolution within myself to be a better person than I have been in the past. I hope that I will be a little kinder to any I meet who may be in distress. I hope that I will be a little more helpful to those who are in need. I hope that I will be a little more worthy of your confidence. I hope that I will be a better husband, a better father and grandfather. I hope that I will be a better neighbor and friend. I hope that I will be a better Latter-day Saint, with an increased understanding of the wonderful aspects of this glorious gospel.
There is room for improvement in every life. Regardless of our occupations, regardless of our circumstances, we can improve ourselves and while so doing have an effect on the lives of those about us.
Gordon B Hinckley CR OCT 2002

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