Saturday, August 23, 2008

For Your Consideration

If you are new to my blog please check out the "Note" and "Purpose" entries on my blog so you know more about the what's and why's of my blog. Also, please leave some comments about what you like or dislike about the lesson ideas. Please tell us how your lessons went and what methods you used to teach. Thank you for visiting. If you like the ideas, please pass them on so more people can share ideas.

1 comment:

Sandy Harwood said...

The object lesson of using plastic cups as mentioned in Lesson 27 (Alma 30-31) was very useful in my Primary lesson on Helaman 5: Christ is the rock of our foundation. I supplied 12 plastic cups of different sizes to two groups of 9 - 10 yr olds and told them to make the best tower. One tower was made with all the cups and quite tall and wobbly. the other tower was more sturdy and some of the leftover cups were used for a guard station. There was good discussion about the need for a strong foundation in a tower and in our lives.