Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Lesson #27 Alma 30-31. Korihor the Anit-Christ

Korihor the Anit-Christ

Principle to Teach: If we choose to ‘stand’ with Satan, he will not support us in the end.

Attention Activity:
Before class starts asks four strong men to help with an object lesson. Have them come to the front of class. Tell the class that we are going to do a fun activity and ask, “What activity do you think we could be doing with these four men as participants?” For each answer that is given ask the class what characteristic these men have that would make them think of that activity. (Here is an idea for a little more interaction and fun. After a few answers have been given select a smaller woman from the class and have them come up. Then ask if the activities are still compatible with the group and ask about any additional activities that they could now do.) After a few ideas tell the class that you are going to build a human pyramid! Ask the class, “Why do you think I chose these four men to be my volunteers?” “What characteristics do they have that would qualify them for a human pyramid?” Now you can take this as far as you would like. For safety reasons (and propriety!) you won’t ever really build the pyramid, but you could have them get down on hands and knees and ask for volunteers for the next level before you tell them that you are kidding and to have a seat. The object of this is to get the idea that these men are strong and would offer a good foundation. Make sure you get to that point before moving on.

Attention Activity Alternate:
For a small class or if you just don’t like the first idea, here is another with the same outcome. Bring quite a few cups to class of at least three different sizes. Different weights (glass verses paper for example) is good too. Tell the class that you want them to build a pyramid using the cups. Make them use the cups in different orders, meaning have different cups start as the foundation, and see how well they do. Try to come to the understanding that the bigger more stable cups are best to have at the bottom because they offer the best foundation.

Class Discussion:
Tell the class that today we are going to talk about what makes a solid foundation for life. We learn this from Korihor in Alma 30. “Let’s find out what made up his foundation and how that worked out for him. Please turn to Alma 30:12 and find what the first belief Korihor had as part of his foundation.” (That there should be no Christ, this teaching is also found in verses 6,26,and 45). Now to show the opposite you can reference Helaman 5:12, 3 Nephi 14:24-27 (or for some age groups you could even sing the “Wise Man” primary song.) “These verses show that we are more solid when we build on Christ and his teachings” Ask, “How has your testimony of Christ helped to make your life more solid?” (Make sure you wait for some answers here. It may take a few minutes of silence—silence is OK!-- or an example by the teacher to get things started, but make sure to get the class to share here.)

The second belief of Korihor is found in verses 13, 15, and 28. (That we can’t know of things in the future.) This belief of Korihor was based on the 1st coming of Christ. We know that has already happened—so he was wrong. Ask, “What are some other things that we have to believe in that we haven’t seen?” (At this point it would be good to talk about paying tithing without knowing what will happen, or the long term value of Family Home Evening, etc.) “How does a belief in these principles make your life better?” (Again, even if you have to wait, get some answers, it is ok to wait!)

His third belief is found in verses 18, 23-24. (The belief that the leaders of the Church were deceptive to the people.) “Why would Satan want us to believe that, and how is that belief manifested by some in the Church today?” “Do we have to say it to believe it, or what actions might show that we believe the same way Korihor did?” You could also explore the value of following the servants of God. You could ask, “What are some of the commandments that you follow that helps you be more stable in your life?”

Now lets look at the result. If Korihor’s foundation are these three beliefs, have the class search for the end result of his “pyramid.” (verse 60). Ask the class what the lesson Mormon wanted to make sure we understood from this story is. This might be a good time to ask for examples in modern life of how disobedience leads to this same type of result. I will tell the story of a friend of mine who was involved with drugs and had many friends in the drug world…until he got caught and sent to prison and suddenly all those friends were gone. The only ones left were his family members. Satan and his followers had built him up only to let him crash. You might share a similar story or ask for examples from the class.

“So how do we make sure we are living a life with Christ as our foundation?” The answer is in Chapter 31. Have half the class look for the key words and message of verses 15-18, this is the prayer the Zoramites prayed. (It is all about them and how much better they are than others.) Have the other half look for the key words and message of Alma’s prayer in verses 26-35. (This is all about helping the Zoramites and trying to have the strength to serve others.) Ask, “How do these two examples tie into how to live a Christ centered life?” (The answers could include that we are built on Christ when we are more concerned about others and serving others than we are with ourselves.) At this point you will want to try and get the class to share feelings about service and how that brings them closer to Christ. You might ask, “When did you first learn that service to others brings you closer to Christ and makes you happier?” Or, “How have you felt as you have had the same kind of attitude that Alma shows in his prayer?”

End with your testimony of the happiness that comes from serving Christ and from following what Christ has taught.

(If you haven't read my "purpose" and "note" posts, please do so, it helps to explain my blog.)

1 comment:

Scott's Blog said...

I'm still teaching Sunday School following in the big shoes of The Great Harwood.

Maybe if I use some of your material I can win them over.

I don't teach this week, but I'll keep checking back.

You're now bookmarked.