Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Lesson #28 Alma 32-35. Faith, Humility, and the Seed

Humility, Faith, and the Seed

Principle to Teach
If we want to find true lasting happiness, we must humbly do what God asks us to do.

Attention Activity
Have all students write down something that they have bought recently that has brought them some happiness or excitement. Have a few share what their purchases are and ask how they felt about what they bought and how they felt after they purchased it. The object here is to get people to talk about how they find happiness in something that they have bought. Now have everyone write down something that they would like to buy that they think will bring them happiness or excitement. Now ask, “What does this teach us about the happiness that comes from purchases? How quickly after you buy something does the happiness wear off and we need something else or start thinking about something else?”

Class Discussion
“Today we are going to look at a group of people who are looking for lasting happiness. Let’s look at what started their search for happiness. Turn to Alma 32:2,4, and 6 to see why these people were so prepared.” You might ask, “Why do you think the poor people were more interested in hearing about lasting happiness than the rich people were in this group?” (Make sure not to bash on rich people, but that the love of riches can cause serious problems.)

There are two keys then to finding this happiness that they are looking for. The first is in verses 12-16. Have students look for the main word that Alma wants the people to understand. (Humble). A good quote to share might be,

God will have a humble people. Either we can choose to be humble or we can be compelled to be humble. (Ezra Taft Benson, “The Faces of Pride,” New Era, Oct 2003, 40)

“What do you think it means that we will be compelled to be humble? Does God force us to be humble? Why is humility such an important ingredient?” You might share a verse about “every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess…saying: Fear God, and give glory to him…” (D & C 88:104) Everyone will eventually know about God and His role and this will eventually make us all humble, whether we have chosen to be or not in this life.

Now that they were humble that was only half of what they needed to do. The other half was still not complete, so they still hadn’t achieved happiness. The other half starts in verse 28. “What is the symbolism of planting the word of God in our hearts?” (It is more than just reading the scriptures, it is actually doing what you know to be true.) This is a good time to use James 1:22 or Matt 4:6 (here Satan quotes scripture to Jesus showing that even he knows the scriptures.)

The people had to live the Gospel, and now we can see what happens when they do. “There are two things that can happen if you plant a seed, what are they? (It grows or it doesn’t) Find the verses that explain both of these happenings.” (Verse 28, 30-31 is good, verse 32 is bad).
For a class of young people this might be a good time to do a small object lesson if you have time. You can bring a small piece of candy to class, a Tootsie Roll works great. Have one for everyone, but only show one piece to start. Ask for a volunteer and have them come up and eat the candy. Now say, “Please describe what you have just tasted to the rest of the class.” Now ask, “If you really wanted candy, does that satisfy your desire for candy, just to hear about it?” Point out that the only way to fulfill your desire for candy would be to actually eat some candy. This is like to Gospel. (It is more powerful to ask, “How is this like the Gospel?” to try and get them to understand it without you telling them.) You have to try it yourself. Once you try it you will know for yourself that it is good, but you will never know, no matter how many people tell you, until you try it for yourself. This would be a good time to ask for or bear testimony yourself of how the Gospel has had a positive impact on your life. You could ask, “Look at the end of verse 28, what parts of the Gospel are ‘delicious’ to you, what parts do you really like?”

Alma wants these people to know that if they will try to live the Gospel they will have the effects of verses 41-43. You might have them mark or write on the board the main words that describe living the Gospel in these verses. Have class members share times that living the Gospel has brought the kind of feelings that are described in these verses.

Perhaps the most difficult part of this lesson is that you will have to leave out as much good stuff as you have time to talk about. This lesson is perhaps too long for a 40 minute class, so you will probably have to cut some stuff out. But if you haven’t read my “Purpose” post yet please do so and remember that Elder Holland taught that you don’t have to get to everything. But it is very powerful to end with some application and challenge, so if you can try and leave time to have class members turn to Alma 34:31-35. Amulek is now teaching this same group of people and tells them that they need to change, now! Ask class members to write down something they can do this week to better live the Gospel. Ask, “What do these verses teach about why it is so important that we do it right now? What do you see as the danger in waiting?” You can end by asking, “Will you do the thing that you wrote down on your piece of paper? This week?”

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